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Thursday, April 18, 2013

"I became them" Brilliant new poetry by Shainur Ullah

When I studied them, I became interested
When I became interested, I heard of them
When I heard of them, I saw them
When I saw them, I met them
And when I met them, I became them.

By Shainur Ullah


I like this exploration of how things influence us, and how it means that we become at total of all the experiences we have, whether we like it or not. A great concise shwoing of how that happens. Well Done!

This is brilliant and insightful! I wouldn't change a thing. It is exactly how i feel when I discover a new (well,new to me) branch of history, new genre of books, or a form of art. Thank you for expressing that feeling of oneness to every new study in life

This is how it all works!! Getting to the bottom of things requires getting there first, once there one becomes one with them. I am impressed by this relatively simple equation that you have put in place which is both effective and true at all times.

You have a great gift for capturing much in the smallest of nets. One is then left to marvel at the valuable treasures therein. Excellent write and read!!! applauded

Simple but efficient ! It pictures the stages one could go through once introduced to particular knowledge that one finds interest in , I suppose and when i met them ,i became them could be interpreted as the influence someone had upon you in a positive way .It could also be though them you identified something that you desired in life and wanted so badly to have .Once you saw that it is achieveble "i became them " .It.s as if when we see something we want in others we try to copy them or imitate them so we can have what they have to ! Hope this makes sense !

the poem can be interpreted in a dark foreboding sense or in the Sufi tradition of 'Oneness'. 

This is an interesting introspection into the social structure and process behind the scenes of life. Very true and to the point. Nicely done.


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