I know a lot of good people are suffering because of today’s economic situation, but you don’t realize it until something happens to you. Three years ago, my husband died in a terrible car accident. I was left to fend for myself and my little baby girl. My husband was our primary provider and not only was I faced with coming to grips with the reality of him being gone, but also with the knowledge that I had to provide for my child.
It seemed like one nightmare after another. I was nearly broke and no one would hire me. I discovered that with the economy in shambles, not only were very few companies hiring, but those that were hiring, were putting their potential employees through extensive background checks. This included a credit check.
People don’t realize how much your credit score affects your life. I certainly didn’t. My husband provided for my family and the bills were paid, or at least the minimum was. Living on credit became a lifestyle, more so after his passing. Unfortunately, you can only use your husband’s death as an excuse for so long when it comes to banks and credit cards.
A year after his passing I was still struggling and working several part-time jobs to make up for the income lost. My parents were very understanding and they helped me as much as they could. I felt guilty and ashamed for the situation I had gotten myself into. The hole that I had dug was only getting deeper.
Then, a good friend of mine suggested that I try getting my credit fixed. I didn’t even know that there was a way to “fix” your credit. I had learned that credit was important but it was still intangible to me. It never occurred to me that I could get it fixed if it was bad. Following her advice, she recommended a company that had worked with her when she and her husband were buying a house. She highly praised them, so I gave them a call.
The first time I called Innovative Credit Consultants, I was very apprehensive. By that time, I had gone through so many changes. In the past I was met with disapproval or indignation for my situation. Banks and creditors made me out to be the villain. They made me feel like I should have somehow foreseen the difficulty that was before me. I truly feared that the people at Innovative Credit Consultants would be the same. I was pleasantly surprised.
The people at Innovative Credit Consultants weren’t just professional, they were compassionate too. I explained my situation and they listened without judgment. My representative was very realistic about what they could do for me and what they couldn’t. She told me that it wouldn’t happen overnight, but I could be helped. Friendly and courteous, these people worked to get my credit back on track. All my questions were answered and for my convenience, I never had to come to the office, something very appreciated when you have a four year old running around. The process was lengthy but very worth it.
After several months, I reapplied to one of the companies that had a credit score limit for their employees. Originally, the hiring manager told me that I couldn’t be hired because of the score and he was mildly surprised to see me again. This time not only was I hirable, but he was impressed with seeing how much my score had improved. Since then, he’s even gone to get help from Innovative Credit Consultants with his own credit.
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